
Earthquake in Haiti - You can help.

Americans are urged to contact the Embassy via email at ACSPaP@state.gov to request assistance.

Americans in Haiti can call the Embassy's Consular Task Force at 509-2229-8942, 509-2229-8089, 509-2229-8322, or 509-2229-8672.

The State Department has also created a task force to monitor the emergency.

People outside of Haiti with information or inquiries about U.S. citizens in Haiti may reach the Haiti Task Force at 888-407-4747.
Yvonne posts on conditions in Haiti

It is after midnight and I am wide awake as after shocks from today's 7.0 earthquake in Port au Prince shake my bed and my house. My Facebook emails are overflowing with messages from family members of other missionaries asking me if I have heard from their loved ones and would I please try to contact them. There are over 25,000 Americans living in Haiti. Over and over I have pushed re dial on their behalf only to get a busy signal. All circuits are either down or over loaded. ...

Haiti for Christ Ministries is a non profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) dependent on donations. Joel and Yvonne Trimble are non denominated independent missionaries not affiliated with any denomination or mission board. All gifts are immediately and entirely available to them in Haiti and acknowledged with a thank you receipt. Regular monthly donations in any amount are the foundation of Haiti For Christ's finances and one time gifts are always appreciated. Thank you and may God richly bless you for helping win Haiti for Christ


DISCLOSURE: Yvonne and I attended school together in Nutley and she is a friend of mine on Facebook.

Thanks, dear readers, for any help you can provide.