
FLASHBACK FRIDAY - School Bus Bullies

Flashback Friday:

Billy Newtner's Bus Rides

"... "BUS NINE RULES!" The older kids shouted. Other kids looked out windows. Girls studied and checked their homework papers. Tough guys with big hands, hard knuckles and big mouths to match, ruled bus nine. They yelled in our fresh faces, "N-O! FUTT NO!"

Many of us seventh graders were hopelessly intimidated by those rough ninth graders and their eighth grade sycophants who ruled our free bus.

At the bus stop in winter, they lit cigarettes and said they needed to smoke to keep warm. They ruled the back of the bus.

When we were lucky, we got to sit in front next to a friend, or near the window with a girl on the aisle.

The bullies ripped down advertisements from slots over the seats. When they got off the bus, as girls were climbing off, the boys ripped ad signs from the curb side of the bus.

"Where's your weak spot?" They shouted at the toughest of seventh grade boys.

"Where's your weak spot?" He bravely called back across a sea of seated girls.

Sneering in his face, "Be in the gym, seventh period, I'll show you my weak spot!"
And they laughed. ..."
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Toomba toomba toomba yay

Everybody has trouble hitting that high note!

We store our Kodachrome next to the carbon paper.

Copyright © 2009 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved. Photos and content may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
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Ten Minutes After You're Gone - A video

By popular demand, here is the slide show accompanying the original poem Ten Minutes After You're Gone by Anthony Buccino

Copyright © 2009 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved.


Uncle Tonoose's 2009 Stimulus Plan

Everybody's sitting around wondering what can one person do to rekindle the economy?

For about $100 you can help stimulate the publishing world, and provide your friends and yourself with hours of entertaining reading.

If you're more attuned to the digital way of reading things on a screen, then you could begin to stimulate the economy for about $60 or less.

Yes, that's right, Now, you can own the six freshly-printed new and backlist books by Anthony Buccino ("New Jersey's Garrison Keillor, or something like that") for a little more than $100.

Here's what's waiting for you

A FATHER'S PLACE An Eclectic Collection - Early writings about family life, the father-son-dilemma, day trips, Brookdale Soda, too much coffee, pets, friendships and more!

SISTER DRESSED ME FUNNY - Tales about - of all things - a naked statue and the school tie, Italian American family roots and that dress his sister made him wear.

RAMBLING ROUND Inside and Outsdide at the Same Time - Essays written from the heart and the hearth about family, life and growing up in north Jersey.

VOICES ON THE BUS - Working class verse and tales, musings and random observations about commuting in Northern New Jersey.

ONE MORNING IN JERSEY CITY - Poems written along the Hudson River Walkway, Grundy Pier, the Goldman Sachs can of Coke, and the Colgate clock in Jersey City, N.J.

BELLEVILLE SONS HONOR ROLL Remembering the men who paid for our freedom - 174-page second edition includes more information on the American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWW II, Korea, Vietnam and peacetime casualties.

Click here for ordering information.

Order today! The economy needs you to do your part right now.

UNCLE TONOOSE HAS A SECRET - his alter ego is a mild-mannered business news editor named Anthony Buccino who has written several books, including what sometimes passes for humor and on other interesting topics. He'd like to write more new books but needs your encouragement ... so buy a book or two, for you and your friends. That'll ensure these snarky posts continue to amuse and enlighten you.

Copyright © 2009 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved. Photos and content may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
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Check out Anthony Buccino's latest poetry and essay collections as ebooks and on Kindle.