
Dear Sergey Brin - CEO, Google

Dear Mr. Brin:

Please be advised that I am not a liar or a cheater.

I did not knowingly try to cheat AdSense out of nearly $12.00 by allowing ''invalid clicks'' on my web sites.

Perhaps it seemed that way because I installed your AdSense ads' coding on dozens of web pages including this Uncle Tonoose blog.

Now all that appears to show that AdSense was here are empty white boxes.

Frankly, Sergey, I've had web pages for years and years and never made any money from them before ... and now that AdSense 'disabled' my GoogleAdSense account, I'm sure it will be a long way to that big pay day.

But let's get one thing clear, even though I cannot contact AdSense, I want you, Sergey, to know that I am not a cheater.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

-- UT

Copyright © 2006 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved.

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